If you sometimes feel that teaching consumes your life, check out Angela Watson’s 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club because there IS a better way! If you’re willing to innovate and make small changes in your daily routines, you can learn how to get more done in less time so that you’re not running on empty at the end of each day. I’m a member of the 40 HTW Club, and I’m also an affiliate of this life-changing program. I actively promote it because I’ve seen how it’s impacted over 30,000 teachers! ~ Laura Candler

Opens July 2020 – Get Early Bird Access Now!

The 40 Hour Teacher Workweek program offers online professional development for teacher productivity, and it’s designed to help you find a sustainable way to teach. It’s already helped more than 32,000 teachers … and the next cohort begins in July. Click this link or the button below to learn more about how you can get early access now!

Learn More About the 40 HTW Club

Whether you’ll be teaching remotely, working on a staggered schedule, using a hybrid model, or some other new reality … you won’t have to figure out what next school year is going to look like on your own. To learn more, lick over to the 40 HTW Club and explore the informative resources on that page. Be sure to read at least a few of the over 500 heart-warming reviews from current 40 HTW Club members!