Teaching Kids How to Have REAL Discussions

Do you remember the last time you and your friends had a great discussion? I’ll bet you didn’t take turns around the table with each person speaking for 30 seconds…

February Fun – Free Lessons You’ll Love!

…Month. But I’ll bet you didn’t know that it’s International Friendship Month, too! Every minute counts during the school day, so seasonal activities MUST meet the same standards we apply…

Plickers Made Easy with Task Cards

…unique Plickers card that has a black and white image similar to a QR code. The letters A, B, C, and D are written in small print around the edge…

Creating a Caring Classroom Family

…and I will be blessed with approximately nine months together; how do we want to spend that dash between August of this year and May of next year? Since we’ll…

7 DonorsChoose Tips for Success

…the six months since then, our community has raised over $40,000 for DonorsChoose projects, and helped over 30,000 students get the classroom resources they need. Last weekend we held a…

Tips for Teaching with Math Games

…during math centers or other times when the rest of the class is playing math games, but that’s not going to help them learn to be good sports. A better…

3 Mindful Classroom Teaching Strategies

…and outward toward others. I wanted them to be kind, compassionate and empathetic. I had to teach them this. Enter Have You Filled Someone’s Bucket Today?, a book by Carol…

5 Engaging Ways to Introduce New Content

…viewers and critics. If we present new information to our students like the above scenario, stating “today we are going to learn about…”, their attention vanishes and their minds begin…