cooperative learning math activitieson the blog

Math is More Than a Numbers Game

Free Math Vocabulary Building Webinar!

Have you ever considered the importance of vocabulary instruction in math? If you think about it, success in math often hinges more on the ability to read and  

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How to Recharge Mathematical Thinking

Why do so many students struggle with math word problems? Maybe they just don’t know where to begin and get overwhelmed at  

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Pumpkin Predictions Measurement Fun!

Pumpkin Predictions is a perfect fall-themed activity for upper elementary students because it’s not a Halloween activity, but it seems like one. The lesson is actually a great math review since it involves estimation and hands-on measurement. The activity  

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Solve ‘n Switch: Partner Activity for Math Task Cards

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Tips for Teaching with Math Games

Who doesn’t love a game? In the mathematics classroom, games offer an engaging alternative to worksheets, allowing students to work with others and have fun while learning. They’re perfect for practicing new skills or reviewing previously-learned content. Math games are extremely  

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