Water Cycle Task Cards

Parts of the Water Cycle Task Cards includes two levels of task cards with a total of 32 printable task cards and 32 task card images. These task cards show examples of water cycle concepts in everyday life. A teacher’s guide with tips and strategies is included.

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Parts of the Water Cycle Task Cards includes two levels of task cards with a total of 32 printable task cards and 32 task card images. These task cards show examples of water cycle concepts in everyday life. A teacher’s guide with tips and strategies is included.

Two Levels of Water Cycle Task Cards in One Product
There are two sets of task cards in this product, and each set has 16 cards. Set A is very basic, covering only precipitation, evaporation, and condensation, so itโ€™s a good place to start with any class. Set B includes those three terms, but it also covers more advanced concepts like transpiration and accumulation. Both sets include a student recording sheet and an answer key. Click the Preview link above to see what’s included in this product.

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