Laura Candler's Odds N Ends File Cabinet

The Odds N Ends page includes a random assortment of free printables and teaching resources that didn’t seem to fit in other categories. If you don’t find what you need, feel free to search the other file folders for the subject area or topic you need. Please also check out my shop on TPT for over 500 teaching resources.

Featured Freebies from the Odds N Ends Files

Candler's Classroom Connections

Get access to Laura’s best freebies and resources for elementary educators along with other teaching tips in your inbox.

How to Fund Your Classroom Projects with DonorsChoose

DonorsChooseDonorsChoose ( is an organization that helps public school teachers in the United States locate funding for their classroom projects. I hosted a webinar with 5th grade teacher Francie Kugelman in which she shared her tips for writing proposals. Francie has received over $28,000 in funding so she’s definitely an expert! She also inspired me to start a community giving page where teachers help each other get their projects funded. If you are interested in watching the webinar or learning more about communities on DonorsChoose, visit the pages on my site below.


School Scrabble (Free Resources)School Scrabble


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