Take Procedural Writing to the Next “Step”

…just spent, and then I see the “this-is-going-to-take-all-afternoon” manual. It was a deflating start. Wouldn’t it be better with, oh I don’t know, maybe… 3 steps? Okay, only three steps…

5 Ways to Make Your Students Smile

…smiles to the classroom, but the most important thing to remember is that smiles help build community in your classroom. Community carries over to better behavior and a child’s desire…

How to Regain Your Love of Teaching

better than any TV show or movie I’ve ever seen”. That’s what you’re there to do. The paperwork, the red tape, the lack of supplies, the appreciation that rarely comes…

5 Ways to Help Students Become Word Collectors

…tried even when it was tough! That’s called “perseverance”. Can anyone else think of a time you “persevered” when things were tricky for you? Getting better at infusing vocabulary into…

Is Your Classroom ELL-Friendly?

…characters and plot. 4. Do you encourage independent reading? As teachers, we all know that students become better readers by reading, and that independent reading is vitally important! Make it…

3D Printers – New Dimensions in Learning!

…programs put things they have made. In order to make the website better, there are contests. People upload their programs. A teacher (yes, even a third grade teacher) can get…