Hands On Geometry – Part II

Guest Blog Post by Stephanie Moorman of Teaching in Room 6 Last week I shared Hands-on Geometry, Part I, and I’m back with Part II! The Hands-on Geometry Freebie shown…

Fun with Customary Measurement Conversions

…the best way to begin is with concrete, hands-on practice using actual measuring devices like rulers, yard sticks, cups, quarts, and gallons. However, even after students practice and explore with…

Supporting Self-Regulation in the Classroom

…only improve self-regulation, it will increase productivity. Classrooms that practice mindfulness activities such as breathing exercises, sensory explorations, guided imagery, yoga, Chi Gong, and music, show reduced stress and anxiety,…

15 Super Gifts for Student Teachers!

…very touching letters of recommendation. Neely Swygert – I was given a rolling cart full of supplies I would need: legal pads, pens, pencils, chocolate, nuts, ziplock bags, kleenex, highlighters,…