Why I Stopped Criticizing Common Core Math

…that celebrities and comedians like to paint a picture of students using number parts and number lines as adults, (ahem–Stephen Colbert) and I laugh right along with them…because using those…

Solving the Hand Raising Problem

…that receives a large number of responses, I’ll compile the best answers to create a helpful blog post. That way your great ideas won’t get lost in Facebook land!  …

Math is More Than a Numbers Game

…to read and understand the language of mathematics than on the ability to perform mathematics computation. In other words … Math is more than a numbers game. Years ago, standardized…

Fun Games for Learning the 50 States

…How to Play Find the States Showdown: The first Leader selects a number card from the State Numbers deck and announces the number to the team. Everyone looks at the…

5 Ways to Help Students Become Word Collectors

…backpacks and noticed when people “cringed”. They loved it!   2. Model classroom discourse! Hearing and using rich language serves a number of purposes–from modeling sophisticated language to showing that…

How to Track Oral Reading Fluency

…not as fluent. Then I showed them how to time each other for one minute as they read aloud, and how to help each other calculate the average number of…

February Fun – Free Lessons You’ll Love!

…lesson with conversation hearts! The focus of the lesson is on finding fractions of a number, and the final step is having students create their own fraction problems as shown…

Multiple Intelligence Theory and Growth Mindset

Dr. Howard Gardner first proposed Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory over 40 years ago, suggesting that IQ is not one-dimensional, and that it can’t be described by a single number. Instead,…