Fostering a Growth Mindset with Brain Bucks

…difficult for all of us, even when we understand why we need to make changes. Fortunately, with a little support and encouragement, even students who began the year with a…

Halting Back Talkers in Their Tracks!

…your kids, “It doesn’t take presents, or anything material, to keep me happy. I only want one thing, one thing in all the universe, and that’s seeing you learn. Your…

Taming Blurters and Wanderers

…take a classroom disruption, blurting or wandering, and transform it into a classroom unifier. Whenever a rule is broken, a rule is strengthened. That’s the way it is, my friends,…

PE Resources and Ideas for Regular Ed Teachers

…hoops without using hands, pass a ball without using hands, hold a rope and pass hula hoops without the hoops touching the rope, balloon play, scooters, bubbles, water relays on…

Top 20 Tips for Landing a Teaching Job

…that you can do! Teach the class you are subbing if possible, grade any work that students complete, volunteer for extra duties, offer to help other teachers in the school,…

Tips for Grading Cooperative Learning Lessons

…the assignment. Working together, they may score 100% correct on the activity page, but do they all fully understand the concept? There’s only one way to know for sure –…

Exploring the Scientific Method with Toy Cars

…equipment, pull-back cars, toy cars, marbles, balloon rockets, yo-yos, and spinning tops. During our study of force, my 5th grade classes completed a 2 day experiment using the scientific method…

The Power of Audio Books

…them there. I’ve created a collection of Literature Circle resource pages on my website that include book recommendations in many categories, including Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure, and Realistic Fiction. Each…

Task Cards 101

…they complete each card. Bright, colorful, and laminated, they are appealing both visually and tactilely. Further, they save paper, big time! Copy and laminate once, use for years. Students answer…