3 Easy Ways to Wrap up the School Year

…comparing their school year to something either positive or negative (it’s more entertaining to have a mixture of both). Of course, you may have to review what similes are, but…

Motivating Math Games

Motivating kids before a holiday break can be a challenge, especially if you’re still expected to teach skills and review academic content. Whole group instruction is particularly challenging because it’s…

Power Reading Workshop and The Daily 5

…about both Power Reading Workshop and The Daily 5 because both programs include strategies that will enrich your reading instruction. I do not mean for my review of The Daily…

Taking the Mystery out of Vocabulary Study

…figure out the meanings of new words by the context clues around them. Then the next day, before you begin reading aloud, do a quick review of the previous day’s…

5 Reasons to Use Nearpod in the Classroom

…presentations with interactive features. Some of the features include adding quizzes, drawing tools, and video to the lesson. Teachers can then share the content with the students and control the…

Solving the Hand Raising Problem

…page. Then I’ll review the questions and choose a few to feature on Facebook , and you’ll be invited to chime in with your advice. When I see a post…

What to Do About … Students Who Seek Attention

…Martz: Ignore the urge to reinforce the negative behavior and reinforce the positive. Teach sign language to all your students that reflect a question, comment, answer, restroom, water, wait a…

Mighty Math Tasks!

…showed them my thinking and had them help me solve the problem. After that, we would briefly review the task procedures and then I let them work on a similar…

Taming Blurters and Wanderers

…Humanities. In the last 15 years, Chris has been lead presenter at over 100 Whole Brain Teaching conferences, attended by 20,000+ educators. Thousands of instructors across the United States and…