How to Get Kids to Slow Down with Their Work

…each lesson. Add things like, spelling, neatness, structure (for genre writing), tense etc. Lydia Wood – Have them write the time they start and time they finish on their paper….

The True Cost of Free Teaching Resources

…money goes: For starters, my mailing list service costs $295 a month, but without it, I couldn’t share these “free” resources with my followers. What about Facebook? That’s free, right?…

Quiet Signals and Timers

…program in the timer to count up or count down, depending on the task you want to time. One of my favorite free websites is Online Stopwatch at They have…

5 Fun Ways Pets Can Help Children Learn All Summer

…like keeping commitments, managing responsibility, and more. Oh, and don’t forget the ever-present math lessons when it comes to anything money-related. Obviously, pet sitting or dog walking is more appropriate…