5 Ways to Engage Parents Using Google Drive

…having to own a computer or pay for internet at their house. Google saves everything you’re working on, so you won’t have to start from scratch when your computer restarts…

5 Ways to Help Students Become Word Collectors

…your daily classroom discussions. What might this look like? Check out the following dialogue: Student: I tried and tried until I got the right answer. Teacher: I love that you…

How to Create a Class Handbook that Rocks!

…had parents tell you during a conference that they didn’t know their child would lose credit on late assignments or that they needed to sign their child’s daily reading log?…

3D Printers – New Dimensions in Learning!

…states, Renee Peoples is now a Teaching and Learning Coach in Swain County at an elementary school, where she coaches teachers and students to integrate technology into their daily activities….

How to Cure the Classroom Library Blues

…in my classroom library and haven’t lost one yet since I started using it. Paula Cull – OMG, I have the Intelliscanner and I LOOOOOOVE IT! I have a huge…

How to Regain Your Love of Teaching

…from administration, the daily grind of trying to get everything accomplished, etc. can dim our view, but think about those moments with your students. Rachel Moore – For me it’s…

Weekend App Attack: 3 Great Classroom Apps!

…levels and explains the meaning and the synonyms of the words. AppsGoneFree The final app on this weekend’s list is called Appsgonefree. Download this “Daily Deal App Finder” from the…

Tips for Grading Cooperative Learning Lessons

…on a daily basis were simple partner or team strategies for practicing skills or stimulating higher level thinking. In general, I don’t believe in grading the products of these types…