Multiple Intelligence Theory and Growth Mindset

Dr. Howard Gardner first proposed Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory over 40 years ago, suggesting that IQ is not one-dimensional, and that it can’t be described by a single number. Instead,…

Fun Games for Learning the 50 States

…How to Play Find the States Showdown: The first Leader selects a number card from the State Numbers deck and announces the number to the team. Everyone looks at the…

Mathematical Problem Solving: Mindsets Matter

best way to teach math. Furthermore, these insights are making it possible to foster a love of math in ALL students! Last year I discovered Dr. Jo Boaler’s book, Mathematical…

Why I Stopped Criticizing Common Core Math

…that celebrities and comedians like to paint a picture of students using number parts and number lines as adults, (ahem–Stephen Colbert) and I laugh right along with them…because using those…

Host a Classroom Scrabble Tournament!

…letters for yourself and 7 letters for the class. Write the class letters in huge blocks on the board with the number values clearly shown. Play against the class play…