Top 20 Tips for Landing a Teaching Job

…week, I choose a few to feature on Facebook each day, where you’re invited to chime in with your advice. When I see a post that receives a large number

5 Ways to Help Students Become Word Collectors

…backpacks and noticed when people “cringed”. They loved it!   2. Model classroom discourse! Hearing and using rich language serves a number of purposes–from modeling sophisticated language to showing that…

Family Science Night: Hands-on, Minds-on Fun!

…to present. What types of content for presentations would yield high interest? Determine the number of make-and take stations and the content for each station. Examples of make-and-take stations include…

Halting Back Talkers in Their Tracks!

…establish Rule 5, “Keep your dear teacher happy.” Step One For a minute or so, five times a day, rehearse the five classroom rules. You call out the rule number;…