Getting Started with Whole Brain Teaching

…Chris’s best-selling book, Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids. His writing style is very entertaining and will have you laughing out loud, but there’s a lot of meat in the…

6 Reasons to Teach Calculator Skills

…a calculator won’t be meaningful to them. You are the best judge of when your students are ready to begin using calculators. However, if you observe your students randomly punching…

20 Terrific Quiet Signals That Work!

…for yourself, click here. 20 Terrific Quiet Signals That Work! My favorite quiet signal is the set of chimes below, and I shared this image when I posted my question….

Undercover Boss – School Style!

…of the best parts of the blogging community. I enjoy writing about how to have a happy school. I have compiled some of my posts about this topic on a…

How to Cope with a Disrespectful Parent

…responded with some terrific and very detailed suggestions! You can read her question and all the suggestions here on Facebook. Normally I shared 15 or 20 ideas here on my…

Math Problem Solving: Knowing Where to Begin

…your students, you can find this freebie here in my TpT store! Snapshots of Mathematical Thinking The assessments aren’t multiple choice, but they’re super easy to score. The best part…

Going Marbles for STEM Hands-on Learning

…together again. Each kit includes 125 translucent plastic pieces and 20 marbles, so it was easy to make sure every group had essential pieces to create their marble run. I…