Getting Started with Whole Brain Teaching

Have you heard of Whole Brain Teaching? To keep it simple, I’ll just say it’s an exciting method of delivering instruction that keeps students actively engaged in the learning process….

15 Super Gifts for Student Teachers!

Advice from Real Teachers Blog Series Do you have a student teacher this semester? If so, you might be trying to think of the perfect gift idea! Will it be…

How to Recharge Mathematical Thinking

Why do so many students struggle with math word problems? Maybe they just don’t know where to begin and get overwhelmed at the thought of tackling math problems. Often students…

Building EQ While Expanding IQ

Guest post by Neetu of Cinnamon’s Synonyms. I’m honored to be guest blogging for Corkboard Connections today. In this post, I’ll be sharing a vocabulary building activity that also serves…

The Memory Game: Making It Meaningful

Guest post by Deb Hanson of Crafting Connections I have always enjoyed playing the Memory Game (also called “Concentration”). I remember when my twin sister and I received it as…

Playing the Mystery Skype Game

Guest post by Tina Schmidt Over the last 6 years I have become very passionate about “flattening my classroom walls” and reaching out to connect with others. One of the…