What makes a great giftย for any teacher? A TeachersPayTeachers gift card, of course! A TpT gift certificate is worth gold! Seriously! Being able to purchase top-notch teaching resources instead of having to create them yourself saves precious time, time that can be spent with friends and family over the holidays. TpT gift cards can be purchasedย for any amount between $5 and $500. Imagine what you could do with a $500 gift certificate!
Free Editable TpT Gift Certificates
When you give a holiday gift, you want it to look special, but TpT doesn’t have holiday-themed gift cards. That’s why I created two festive-looking gift certificatesย that you can print and tuck inside a holiday greeting card. If you like them, click over to my TpT store to download this freebie. Both variations include a non-editable PDF card that you can print and write on with a pen, as well as an editable PowerPoint version you can customize with your own fonts and messages before printing.
As you probably guessed, the gift cards I created don’t have any monetary value on their own, so before you use them, you’ll have to purchase REAL gift cards on TpT. After you print your holiday-themed gift certificate, simply write each gift card code you purchased onto one of the cards you printed. If you’re giving more than one TpT gift card, it’s a good idea to make a note of who received each code. That way if it doesn’t work for some reason, you can provide them with the correct code.
Click here to find these FREE gift certificates on TpT!ย
Gift Card Printing Tip:ย The colored portion of each printable gift certificate is 8 inches wide, so they should fit into a large greeting card envelope after you trim off the white border. When printing them, choose the “Shrink to Fit” option rather than choosing to print them to the edge of the paper. If they are still too wide, try reducing the scale to 95% or smaller.