Awakened: Hope for the Year Ahead

number of personal growth books about the impact of positive thinking on one’s life, but I had never seen those concepts applied to the teaching practice. When the book arrived,…

Honoring 9/11 – A Delicate Balance

…created to go with the book, as well as some teaching tips and management strategies for using this book in your classroom. 1. Read aloud The Man Who Walked Between…

Host a Classroom Scrabble Tournament!

…letters for yourself and 7 letters for the class. Write the class letters in huge blocks on the board with the number values clearly shown. Play against the class play…

5 Ways to Help Students Become Word Collectors

…you to help YOUR students become Word Collectors — learners who notice, learn, and use interesting and meaningful words! 1. Encourage reading! Pretty obvious, right? Read aloud to your students….

Family Science Night: Hands-on, Minds-on Fun!

…to present. What types of content for presentations would yield high interest? Determine the number of make-and take stations and the content for each station. Examples of make-and-take stations include…

Halting Back Talkers in Their Tracks!

…specific classroom problems. As described in this series, Rule 1: “Follow directions quickly” addresses slow transitions. Rule 2: “Raise your hand for permission to speak,” targets kids who are spontaneously…

Teaching with Dry Erase Boards

…random number generator to determine the winner. The dry erase board set will be shipped directly to the winner’s school, but it will be noted that the set belongs to…

Checking for Understanding with Exit Tickets

…value, and justify their thinking. The students were asked if they agreed or disagreed with the following statement, “Mike believes the model below the board represents the number 1,405. Do…