Multiple Intelligence Theory for Kids

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Multiple Intelligence Theory for Kids: Step-by-Step Lessons and Ready-to-Use Printables from Laura Candler is a classroom-tested resource for introducing Dr. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory to children.  The unit is easy to teach and lots of fun for students, and it will help them develop an understanding of MI theory and how they learn best. The suggested time frame for this unit is one to two weeks.

Note: This product includes the MI Theory for Kids book only, and not the editable MI Survey for Kids, the posters, or the reference cards.

Need Google Classroom and Editable Versions of the MI Survey?

This product does not include editable multiple intelligence surveys, but editable versions are available in my store. The Editable MI Survey for Kids product includes two printable and two editable versions of the survey including a Google Spreadsheet version to use with Google Classroom.