Do your students know how to have REAL conversations in which they listen to others and connect their ideas? This post describes concrete strategies you
Do your students know how to have REAL conversations in which they listen to others and connect their ideas? This post describes concrete strategies you
February is a great time to include seasonal activities in your lessons. Discover fun resources for Valentine’s Day, Black History Month, and Friendship Month!
Penguin fractions make fraction concepts fun to learn and easy to understand! Download a free Equivalent Fractions Sorting activity to try with your students!
Gifts for Santa’s Scientists is a fun cooperative learning research activity! Students learn about 12 types scientists and then decide which of Santa’s science gifts
Hosting a classroom Scrabble tournament is an exciting way to foster a love of word games! This post includes directions and free printables to make
Weathering, erosion, or deposition? This sorting activity will help your students understand how landforms are changed by these three processes.
Imagine yourself as a student in a new classroom during the first week of school. Unless your teacher starts off with at least a few
Structures are very specific strategies that can be used to organize interactions between students who are working in cooperative learning teams. Most structures can be
Seating students together is not enough to ensure teamwork. Many kids have very little idea how to interact appropriately with their classmates. They simply lack
If you’re new to using Cooperative Learning strategies, you might wonder how to seat your students so they are able to interact with each other
Google Classroom makes it sooo easy to go paperless that you might be tempted to skip cooperative learning activities and replace them with digital assignments.
If you’re looking for a fun way to form partners for cooperative learning lessons, try the Appointment Clock Buddies strategy. The activity is a terrific
Do your students know how to have REAL conversations in which they listen to others and connect their ideas? This post describes concrete strategies you can teach your kids to make that happen!
February is a great time to include seasonal activities in your lessons. Discover fun resources for Valentine’s Day, Black History Month, and Friendship Month!
Penguin fractions make fraction concepts fun to learn and easy to understand! Download a free Equivalent Fractions Sorting activity to try with your students!
Gifts for Santa’s Scientists is a fun cooperative learning research activity! Students learn about 12 types scientists and then decide which of Santa’s science gifts go to each scientist.
Hosting a classroom Scrabble tournament is an exciting way to foster a love of word games! This post includes directions and free printables to make it easy.
Weathering, erosion, or deposition? This sorting activity will help your students understand how landforms are changed by these three processes.
Imagine yourself as a student in a new classroom during the first week of school. Unless your teacher starts off with at least a few getting-to-know you activities, it might be weeks before you feel comfortable enough to talk with your classmates and actively participate in lessons. On the other
Structures are very specific strategies that can be used to organize interactions between students who are working in cooperative learning teams. Most structures can be used with almost any academic content, but some structures are better than others for certain tasks. For example, some structures regulate interaction between pairs, some
Seating students together is not enough to ensure teamwork. Many kids have very little idea how to interact appropriately with their classmates. They simply lack the social skills needed to perform the most basic cooperative learning tasks. Lack of social skills is probably the biggest factor contributing to lack of
If you’re new to using Cooperative Learning strategies, you might wonder how to seat your students so they are able to interact with each other without losing focus during direct instruction. There are many possible options, but one thing to consider is whether you want them to sit together all
Google Classroom makes it sooo easy to go paperless that you might be tempted to skip cooperative learning activities and replace them with digital assignments. But I hope you don’t. Hands-on, active-engagement lessons are just as important as they ever were, and perhaps even MORE important! In today’s world, kids
If you’re looking for a fun way to form partners for cooperative learning lessons, try the Appointment Clock Buddies strategy. The activity is a terrific icebreaker that also serves another useful purpose. Within just a few minutes, each of your students will have four unique partners lined up for future