Fraction Half Time
Fraction Half Time is a fun football-themed fraction game for reinforcing the skill of comparing fractions to the benchmark one-half. The teacher’s guide also includes a mini-lesson with a fraction card sorting activity. During the lesson, students explore multiple strategies for comparing fractions to one-half, a skill that’s essential for the development of fraction number sense. In the Fraction Half Time partner game, players compete to fill three open positions on their own playing field with fractions less than, equal to, and greater than one-half. The sorting activity and the game can be used in math centers, in small guided math groups, or during whole group instruction with students working in pairs. This product includes teacher directions, student directions, printable activity materials in black & white and color, leveled fraction cards, and a blank template to create your own cards. The mini-lesson, sorting activity, and game are aligned with the 3rd and 4th grade CCSS, but they can be used for a review in 5th grade. Common Core Standards: 3.NF.A.2 and 4.NF.A.2